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Sunday, January 3, 2010

This photo was taken at Loxton North in August 2007, and we could already see the effects of the drought on the water level and quality at that time. We had travelled for hours that day in a houseboat and were amazed at how much of the river bottom we could see in our travels however the sunset was gorgeous with the silhouette of the trees giving a strong contrast. As a bonus to our son in law Jamie, he caught and later released his first Murray Cod here. This was a memorable trip in many ways, and we are yet to holiday again on the river.
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Art is in the world around us

Hey I think I'm getting a handle on this blogging....just thought I'd add a couple of new pictures so you can see what beautiful images inspire me.

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This photo was taken in the South East out from Bordertown.  Reg was still working in Real Estate at the time and we had been asked to drive down for him to list a property, so while Reg was busy with his clients I got busy with my camera.  I've always loved big gum trees and the variation of markings and colours on their bark.  This tree caught my eye immediately and I knew I had to take its image home with me.Posted by Picasa

Welcome to a New Year 2010

This is a special year in our house, we have two new kittens, 10 weeks old yesterday, Jake and Jess. They're so soft, playful, curious and funny! We've had a great laugh at all their antics, much of it about stalking each other and endlessly discovering their new boundaries in the house.

Reg, my husband, partner in life and fun, is embarking on a new direction with work....trying his hand at Vintage work in the lovely Barossa Valley. He's pretty happy about this cos he gets a wine allowance...of course, it's not just about the wine....but it's surely a component...coming from a family of wine lovers.

All three of our lovely stepdaughters are now living back in the Barossa, so I can see that we will have more time together. Waikerie to the Valley is only an hour's driving time, so weekend catch-ups will be more workable with all three girls within 10 minutes drive of each other.

This year I plan more time for my creativity to step to the fore. I've been playing with some little tile collage kits I picked up on the net, and I want to play with fabric again....something I've missed because my attention has been moving in a different direction. I also want to do some study this year to keep my brain from turning to I'm thinking of trying some distance education courses to see how that will work.

And then of course, there's working out how to become familiar with blogging....seeing as everyone seems to use it as a means of getting their message out and about. This is my first attempt at a Blog, so please bear with me, I hope I don't bore anyone too much with my prattle, but it looks like fun so I have to give it a go.

I'll just give you a glimpse of our two littlest family members as an introduction to posting up some photos, Jess is at the back with her arm around Jake. This pic was taken on their first day at home with us.....I think they were pretty exhausted with the sudden change of homes, coming out of a litter of four down to just the two of them in a new house. They've settled in now and run the house pretty much on their terms...and we're delighted to have them.
Must go, there's still other things to set up on this blog and any suggestions that are on offer will be gratefully received.
Ciao for now people.